Discover Active or Up Host on Network through ICMP Sweep using Ping


for /L %i in (1,1,254) do @ping /n 1 /w 200 192.168.1.%i > NUL && echo 192.168.1.%i - ACTIVE HOST

On CMD is not possible to implemente Parallelism to Boost Scan Speed Powershell and Linux (Bash) supports Parallelism and Threads

  • Powershell Through Workflow workflow_name {} ; workflow_name
  • Linux (Bash) Through &


Without Workflow

1..254 | % {if(ping -n 1 -w 200 192.168.1.$_ | Select-String -Pattern 'TTL'){"192.168.1.$($_) - ACTIVE HOST"}}

With Workflow

1..6 | % {""}; Workflow ICMPSweep {foreach -Parallel -ThrottleLimit 8 ($i in 1..254){if(ping -n 1 -w 200 192.168.1.$i | Select-String -Pattern 'TTL'){"192.168.1.$($i) - ACTIVE HOST"}}}; ICMPSweep