FEH → Fast and Light Image Viewer

With this tool, images can be displayed on the terminal as kitty does through kitten icat

But, in this setup environment, It is used to manage the Desktop Wallpaper as bspwm cannot do it itself

It has several image display modes and allows the background image to be changed dinamically

feh is launched by bspwm from the bspwmrc script as follows →

# ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc - feh Binary Launch
/usr/bin/feh --bg-fill /home/al3xbb/Desktop/4l3xBB/Wallpapers/Fondo.jpg &

Wallpaper’s Directory → ~/Desktop/USER/Wallpapers/

More info here

Project Documentation Page

As always, all the information needed to handle this tool can be found in its Man Page

$ apt install -y -- feh

That’s it

$ command -V feh
feh is /usr/bin/feh

Once installed, download the desired image and save it in the following directory →

$ mkdir -p ~/Desktop/4l3xBB/Wallpapers
$ mv ~/Downloads/Image.jpg !$

To set it as the Desktop Wallpaper

$ feh --bg-fill /home/al3xbb/Desktop/4l3xBB/Wallpapers/Fondo.jpg