polybar → Highly Customizable Status Bars

Each bar has its own modules and It is executed as a daemon

$ pgrep --list-full --exact polybar
1631 polybar log -c /home/al3xbb/.config/polybar/current.ini
1632 polybar ethernet_bar -c /home/al3xbb/.config/polybar/current.ini
1633 polybar vpn_bar -c /home/al3xbb/.config/polybar/current.ini

A module can execute any action such as a command, scripts…

Each bar with its configuration file as an argument is launched by the below script

polybar is executed by bspwm from the bspwmrc script through the polybar’s launcher script → ~/.config/polybar/

# ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc - Polybar Launch
checkProcess polybar || { launchProcess "$_pbl" ; unset -v -- _pbl ; }

Configuration File → Any file which a .ini extension

Launcher File → ~/.config/polybar/

More information here

Polybar Site


$ apt install -y -- polybar

That’s it

$ command -V polybar
polybar is /usr/bin/polybar

As a base for the configuration file’s structure, clone the following Github Repository

$ git clone ~/Downloads/blue-sky

Then, recursively copy the polybar’s content into ~/.config/polybar

$ cd !$
$ bash -c "shopt -sq dotglob && cp -rv -- ./polybar/* ~/.config/polybar"

Once the above is done, insert the following line in the bspwmrc file related to the Polybar’s Launch

As already stated, these functions check polybar’s status and launch it

checkProcess polybar || { launchProcess "$_pbl" ; unset -v -- _pbl ; }

Lastly, copy the polybar’s fonts (i.e. the .ttf Files) into the system TrueType Fonts directory and reset the _ system’s fonts cache_ →

$ cp ~/.config/polybar/fonts/* /usr/share/fonts/truetype/
$ fs-cache -v # Reset the System Fonts Cache

Configuration File

Launcher File