Environment Customization

ParrotOperative SystemSee more
bspwmWindows ManagerSee more
sxhkdHotkey DaemonSee more
PolybarStatus BarSee more
PicomWindows Visualizer (Compositor)See more
RofiApplication LauncherSee more
FehImage Viewer (Desktop Wallpaper)See more
KittyTerminal EmulatorSee more
ZSHShellSee more
NeovimText EditorSee more
Components ⟑

Miscellaneous Ξ”

Information πŸ›ˆ

This Custom Linux Environment is deployed in Parrot OS 🦜

Configuration Files


All necessary Configuration Files can be found in the above link or in the Components Documentation

Deployment Flow

The Deployment Flow would be β†’


Previous Steps

Before start with the above Components’ Installation and Configuration β†’

$ sudo apt update # Repositories' update
$ sudo parrot-upgrade

Environment Dependencies β†’

$ sudo apt install -y -- zenity build-essential git vim xcb libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-ewmh-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev libasound2-dev libxcb-xtest0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev

Additional Packages β†’

$ sudo apt install -y -- scrot scrub xclip bar locate ranger neofetch wmname acpi imagemagick cmatrix

Additional Notes

Sessions Management and Shutdown

During the installation of the above components, the user will have to be shutting down, restarting, logging out or simply blocking (i.e lock) the current session

This actions can be performed as follows β†’

Shut Down
$ sudo poweroff
$ sudo reboot
Log out
$ loginctl list-sessions # Get the Session's Number
$ loginctl terminate-session <session_number> # Finish a Session
Session Lock

It can be handled through the X Session Manager called lightDM

To interact with the lightdm daemon, the dm-tool binary comes into actions

$ dm-tool switch-to-greeter # Like the Change-User option in Windows
$ dm-tool lock # Like Windows + L in Windows